AI-Generated Context for Teaching Robotics to Improve Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education

La integración de la robótica en la educación infantil se ha convertido en una herramienta clave para desarrollar el pensamiento computacional en los más pequeños. En este contexto, miembros del Grupo LITE, han publicado el artículo «AI-Generated Context for Teaching Robotics to Improve Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education» que explora una metodología innovadora que […]

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Jobs & Thesis

Welcome to the web site of the research group LITE, Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education. As our name claims, our main interests lies in the use of computer technology with educational aims, although we also work in other, related lines of research.

Research lines

Our current research efforts are focused on three main research lines:

  • Computer Science Education, which is the field where we apply most of our research results. This line overlaps with most of the following lines.
  • Educational Technology, that includes any software application developed with an educational purpose.
  • Human-Computer Interaction, which is an important area in education. Note that our clients, the students, will interact with our educational software. We have to ensure that this interaction does not disturb, and enriches if possible, the educational experience of our students.

More specific research lines, as well as contact persons, follow:

  • Computer science education research, including digital competence and algorithmic thinking
  • Programming education research, including computational thinking and block-based programming
  • Accesibility
  • Active learning methods, including inverted clasroom
  • Augmented reality and mobile apps in education
  • Computer-supported collaborative learning
  • Learning analytics
  • Serious games, videogames and gamification in education
  • Social networks in education
  • Software visualization systems


J. Ángel Velázquez Iturbide
Phone: +34 91 664 74 54
Campus de Móstoles
Office 2028, Edificio de Ampliación de Rectorado.


We are placed in the Móstoles campus. Our offices are at the “Edificio de Ampliación del Rectorado”, second floor. Our laboratorios are at the “Edificio departamental II”, ground floor.
Location in GoogleMaps. The University also gives instructions on how to arrive in the Móstoles campus. The following map also shows the location of both buildings.

Localización LITE