Nuestro estudiante de doctorado Ángel F. Sánchez Granados presentará el estado actual de su trabajo en la tesis doctoral en el 28ª congreso Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) en Turku. Disponible online:… Leer mas
Blue Ant Code project nominated EDSA23 finalist
Congrats to our colleagues @maria__z_c and @EstefaniaURJC for being nominated #EDSA23 finalist in the Digital Skills for Education category with the Blue Ant Code project. More info at:… Leer mas
New IEEE Trans. Educ. article available through green OA

The article «Improving Soft Skills Through an Interdisciplinary Approach in a Realistic Context Between Education and CS Students in an HCI Course» published at IEEE Transactions on Education and authored by our researchers Maximiliano Paredes, @jaimeurquizaf and @MartinLopeURJC… Leer mas